Why made by hand?

I strive to make practical products that look great and will serve you for many years.
There is only one way I can achieve that: by doing everything by hand and hand stitching.

Only through them, I can have total control over every single detail and guarantee the highest possible quality.

Traditional hand saddle stitching cannot be replicated by a machine.
Moreover, it's several times superior to it in strength, durability and beauty.

If you want to know how my products come to life, have a look at the following shots.

You will see how much effort and how many time-consuming steps it takes to make one simple card holder.

1.Pattern transfer on leather

pattern transfer on leather

2. Cutting out components

cutting out leather pieces

3. Edge hot creasing

leather craftsman edge creasing

4. Edge beveling

leather craftsman edge beveling

5. Edge slicking with water

leather craftsman edge slicking

6. Edge painting

leather craftsman edge painting

7. Edge sealing

leather craftsman edge sealing

8. Edge sanding

leather craftsman edge sanding

9. Edge waxing

leather craftsman edge waxing

10. Melting in the wax

leather craftsman wax melting

11. Edge buffing

leather craftsman edge buffing

12. Skiving-Thining the leather

leather craftsman with skiving knife

13. Hot foil stamping

leather craftsman hot foil stamping

14. Surface roughing before gluing

leather craftsman edge roughing before gluening

15. Gluing

leather craftsman gluing

16. Marking stitching lines

leather craftsman marking stitch lines

17. Pricking stitch holes

leather craftsman pricking stitch holes

18. Saddle stitching

leather craftsman saddle stitching

19. Flattening down stitches

leather craftsman flattening stitches

20. The final product

leather craftsman holds card holder
© 2023 Braňo Klocáň